Welcome to the NYC Health Care Coalition Emergency Management Program website!

New York City Manhattan downtown black and whiteWe invite you to explore the website focusing on the NYC ASPR Hospital Preparedness Program Activities, Emergency Preparedness Symposia, NYC Health Care Leadership Council, and other healthcare system readiness tools.

NYC’s Healthcare Preparedness Program
To support the New York City healthcare system to respond safely and effectively in emergencies.


  • Healthcare delivery and public health stakeholders collaboratively prioritize and address preparedness and response gaps.
  • Healthcare facilities of all kinds have the tools and resources they need to care for their patients and NYC residents during an emergency.
  • New York City’s healthcare system will better endure emergency events, ensuring continuity of care and the system’s ability to meet acute health and medical needs during and post-emergency.

For information on the upcoming Emergency Preparedness Symposia, click here or navigate to the drop down menu above. For information on upcoming emergency preparedness events, click here or navigate the drop down menu above.